
Top 8 Habits of Mentally Strong People

Top 8 Habits of Mentally Strong People

How well we deal with life’s challenges ultimately comes down to how mentally strong we are. Resilience, adaptability, and staying composed in the face of adversity are the determining factors for success. In the end, what makes a difference is how many times we choose to get up after falling. A positive attitude and a proactive approach to life are the underlying traits of mentally strong people.

There is a lot we can learn from successful people and inculcate their habits to ensure success. One thing we should constantly endeavor to achieve is mental strength. Mastering our emotions and not falling victim to negative thoughts is crucial for achieving our goals.

Here are 8 habits of mentally strong people. Adopting these will help us breeze through life’s challenges and develop a healthy positive outlook.

1. Be proactive

One sign of mentally strong people is that they do not wait for opportunities to come their way. They make the most of the resources at hand and create opportunities for themselves. They are not afraid of failing and they are not obsessed with succeeding. They realize it is the journey that matters not the destination.

Mentally strong people focus inwards on changing themselves and transforming for the better. They are always trying to incorporate healthy habits and all their attention is focused on improving themselves. They use their circumstances to change for the better and as they learn and grow they get better at solving problems and overcoming challenges.

2. Be prepared for things not going as planned

They take in all the aspects of a task at hand and project future events based on the information at hand. They tie all loose ends and give their best but they accept that not everything is in their control. Sometimes things will go south no matter how much effort you put in. They try their best and then relinquish control of the future so they are always mentally prepared for unexpected twists and turns.

Even when things do not go as planned they focus on making the most of the situation. They do not overlook small feats and understand that even the most minute achievements count as progress.

3. They are mindful of the present and plan for the future

They treat the past as a teacher and the future as a guiding light but they view each with a level of detachment. They practice mindfulness and remain focused on the things within their control.

They do not keep looking in the past wishing for things to be different than they were. They keep themselves anchored in the present moment. They are incredibly farsighted and make sure to plan for the future. They prepare for things to come while never becoming emotionally dependant on an event unfolding a particular way.

4. They determine risks

They take risks and accurately analyze what is at stake. They do not play it safe all the time and they accept that to get ahead they have to step out of their comfort zone. But they do so after calculating the risks involved. So they are prepared for multiple outcomes. They feel at ease taking big and bold decisions because they hold the belief that there is no such thing as the right decision. You do what needs to be done and give it your best shot.

Mentally strong people are not afraid of taking risks because their self-worth is not tied to material possessions or societal status. Their happiness stems from within and they have quiet confidence over their ability to overcome any curveball that may come their way.

5. They are opinionated

They do not cave in to peer pressure and hold their ground even when everyone goes against them. So even if they find themselves in a situation where other people are engaging in an activity that they do not believe they would speak up against it without the fear of being singled out. They do not fear to have others turn their backs on them because they are confident in themselves and know that they would be perfectly fine even on their own.

6. They are kind

It takes strength of character and mind to be kind, courteous, and empathetic. In a world where thinking of others first could quickly earn you the nickname of a simpleton, it takes a lot to fight for what you believe is morally and ethically correct. Mentally strong people are sure of themselves and their place so they are not jealous or envious of others. They make a point to help others up rather than tear them down. They are ready to lend a helping hand whenever possible.

7. They are open to criticism

They understand that they cannot please everyone and no matter how hard they try there will always be people who dislike them. So they do not kill themselves trying to win over everyone they come across. They do what they feel like doing and what they deem as morally right. While their self-esteem does not hinge on seeking validation from others they are conscientious of any criticisms thrown at them.

Mentally strong people do not react to criticism in an emotional way. Rather, they decipher the message to improve themselves from the harsh words used to convey it. In this way, they turn even hate into a force to change themselves for the better. So even their harshest critics only serve to fuel their progress.

8. They are not afraid of failure

They are not afraid of failing. They realize that some days life will be kind to them and luck will be in their favor and so they would go on a winning streak. But losing season is sometimes inevitable; the important thing to realize is that nothing is absolute. Life is ever-changing and there are countless possibilities. Mentally strong people choose to live in the present but they do not consider their present circumstances as constant.


Here is a quick recap of the Top 8 Habits of Mentally Strong People:

  1. Be proactive
  2. Be prepared for things not going as planned
  3. They are mindful of the present and plan for the future
  4. They determine risks
  5. They are opinionated
  6. They are kind
  7. They are open to criticism
  8. They are not afraid of failure

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Written by Farwa Batool

MSc Biotechnology.
Writer and a mom of two beautiful daughters.

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