Sometimes, you might have anxiety, worries, fear, and concerns that don’t go away. No matter how much you try, they capture their mind in a way that it becomes near to impossible for a person to move forward in life.
The more you try to clear your mind, the more the thoughts become persistent. It is because your mind will not focus if you say it not to do something. These thoughts eventually become an endless loop in mind and snatch away all your happiness and joys.
Getting rid of anxious and stressed mind is not at all easy. When one tries to stop worrying and getting rid of all thoughts they compound with all the events and issues that occurred in the past, it makes your present stressful and painful and future disastrous. Due to these thoughts, many people become insomniac, can’t focus on their work, become diabetic, have continuous multiple health issues and in the end a dominated stressed-out person.
The question is how to clear your mind from unwanted thoughts?
The best solution to these stressors that are captivating your mind and soul is to practice some useful and manageable ways and you can live a healthy and happy life ahead.
1. Meditation to quiet your mind
For a better and clear picture, meditation plays a significant role. This method is used for many years to clear the mind from negative thoughts and emotions. You can manage to take out 15 to 20 minutes from your busy routine. There is no need to set the specific positions just close your eyes and open the doors of your mind to let the thoughts come and go without hurting you.
Meditation is so powerful, that it can remove the most persistent thoughts, and worries attached to you for so long. To calm down yourself you need to calm down your mind too, by taking deep fresh air. Go out in the morning and look for some lush green space, refresh yourself with lots of positive energy, relax and calm down.
2. Exercise

Exercise is one of the best ways to live a happy and healthy life. Try to set your daily routine and take out some time to let your body produce some happy hormones. When you move your body the happy hormone endorphin is released, which makes you happy, focused, and reduces the stress level.
You can also join any physical activity or any sport like swimming, cricket, basketball so that you can enjoy while exercising too. It is not easy to stand up and move your body after having a hectic day at the office. So try to manage sometime in the morning. The energetic body will eventually do wonders.
3. Forgive and forget
Forgiving the person who has hurt you can help you and the other person too, to move forward from the past. It is very important for your spiritual growth. Holding the grudge in your heart will only give you pain and sadness. This feeling of hatred and resentment only causes harm and debilitates your energy if you let these thoughts getting on your nerves.
To let your mind free from these feelings and thoughts you must practice this thumb rule to forgive others and forget those thoughts. Whenever you are upset over the painful things others do, you can switch the focus by understanding yourself rather than pointing out others. Don’t blame yourself either, but at least this will help you to come out of a stressful situation.
4. Forget the past
It is not possible to erase all the memories from your mind, good or bad. But some events and memories can be so painful that you don’t want to remember. So, make a list about the memories that make you sad and try yourself to purposefully forget them forever to have a bright present and future ahead.
5. Don’t feel guilty
Guilt is one of the symptoms of depression. Guilt is the unhappy feeling that makes you feel bad, in fact very bad. You blame and recriminate yourself for any mistake or failure in life. However, you don’t need to be responsible for the mishap. Our mind thinks only in one way when it creates reality and demotivates us from achieving our goals also.
Sometimes this guilt also makes you humble and gives you a chance to apologize for the mistake but what to do if it becomes a habit? To free your mind from the guilty feelings, you should have to see things from another direction also. You have to be your best friend to get rid of the negative and guilty-shame thoughts. You should have to kindly advise yourself (as a best friend) about the best thing you can do.
6. Watch some comedy
Laughter is the best medicine. It relaxes your mind and whole body. It triggers the release of endorphins in your body and also boosts immunity. But the question is how to take this medicine? The answer is very simple and easy. Watching good content on TV helps in calm down your mind. Comedy is the best thing you can watch to release all the stress and depression. So turn on the TV and watch a good comedy for peace of mind.
7. Laugh and smile

Research has proven that laughing and smiling is good for your mental health. It makes you feel relax and joyful. Laughter is the most effective cure than other medicines and treatments.
Laughter has many health benefits:
- It makes immune system stronger
- Improves cardiac functioning
- Promotes healing,
- Burns calories
- Improves memory
- Relieves physical tension
It also has numerous mental health benefits too
- Adds joy and happiness to life
- Eases mental tension and anxiety
- Releases endorphin
- Improves mood
- Relieves stress
8. Don’t think what others will think about yourself
To live a peaceful and stress-free life, one must not pay heed to what others think about you. Different types of people exist in this society and their way of thinking differs from one another. As the world is growing fast, we can see this negativity all around and the judgmental, cruel, false and rude comments people used to make on social forums insulting each other.
You will find this negativity everywhere and everyone doesn’t need to like you. You should have to focus on your work and try to ignore negative people in your life.
9. Make your working space clean and organized
People with mental health challenges can be triggered and affected by a messed up working space. They get extremely crossed if they see their desk cluttered with wires, cords piles of papers, stationery, and files, all this drives them crazy. They desire a clean and organized space to work efficiently without any disturbance.
For the clear and peaceful mind, you must have to keep your place clean and organized while working in an office, at home or anywhere.
10. Get rid of toxic people
It is not easy to avoid toxic people. Sometimes these people are inextricably bound with our family lives or work. You can’t expect a change from them; however, for instance, they can imply that they think good for you but this is always a hopeless project. You will find them among your closest relationships, so try to maintain boundaries and keep a distance from them. Don’t let these toxic people ruin your happiness and peace of mind.
11. Set some goals
Setting long-term and short-term goals also helps you to keep your mind clear from being stressed and depressed. If you will keep yourself busy and determined towards achieving any goal in life, your mind will not think anything extra that triggers your worries and leave you in a state of depression. So try to be a goal-oriented person, be mindful, and don’t let your mind free to think about negative thoughts.
12. Do what you enjoy the most
Taking breaks and going on vacations is one of the best things you can do to keep your mind relax and calm. Spending time around nature, the woods or nearby meadows helps in keeping your mind out of problems and troubles. Spending time in outdoors helps in improving focus and concentration. Besides these, you listen to music or you can go out for a walk or hiking, read a good book or spend your day out with your grandma, cook food, etc.
13. Take care of your self
It’s not at all easy to take out some time to spend with yourself, but it is equally important as your work. Self-care is not anything bad you do to yourself or others, even your mind and body will thank you later for this favor. If you won’t take some time for yourself then the exhaustion and anxiety will take you to the level where you will not be able to do anything for anyone. It is the fuel that helps us keep going. For a healthy happy and productive life take a day off or manage some time from your weekend and do anything that you enjoy the most.
14. Have some me-time
Sometimes distraction is also very necessary to be more focused. This is the best thing to clear your mind. Plan a day out with your best friend, go to the gym, get involved with any good book, take a long bath and try a new makeover, or simply make a cup of nice coffee and take small sips in a silent and peaceful place. These simple acts are excellent ways to bring a positive attitude in your personality and a good break from stress and worries.
15. Practice gratitude
Sit down alone for 10 to 15 minutes and think about the few most important things in your life that you are grateful for. You just need the nice feeling of contentment and gratitude in your body. Doing this daily will rewire your brain to think gratefully and the happiness will knock at your door.
16. Be positive
Life is beautiful and Negative thinking is the slow poison that gradually eats away all the contentment and happiness of your life. You should look at the brighter side. Look at the negative aspects of your life as challenges to clear your mind from anger, stress, and anxiety. Developing a positive attitude will modify you into a better person with an optimistic approach.
17. Watch inspirational movies
Inspirational movies play a great role to relieve stress and encourage us to face the challenges of lives. Cinema therapy is the real thing. When we watch the inspiring stories, we consider ourselves in that place and then think in the same manner. It removes the sadness due to failure in life, counsels us and gives a new hope to stand up again and move on.
18. Let’s put yourself in other’s shoes
When you listen to different stories from different people you could realize the blessings in your lives. You can take an example of your mother; just try to put yourself in your mother’s shoes for a day. You will realize the problems and challenges she faces every day and the number of responsibilities she carries to raise you. Similarly, your father, siblings, friends, and many people around you face many challenges in life.
Bottom line
Life is not the bed of roses. You have to face the challenges, negative people and negative thoughts around you. They will bring too much sorrow and sadness in life. By following these ways you can instantly clear your mind and easily move forward in life.
Here is a quick recap of How to Clear Your Mind from Stress and Anxiety:
- Meditation to quiet your mind
- Exercise
- Forgive and forget
- Forget the past
- Don’t feel guilty
- Watch some comedy
- Laugh and smile
- Don’t think what others will think about yourself
- Make your working space clean and organized
- Get rid of toxic people
- Set some goals
- Do what you enjoy the most
- Take care of your self
- Have some me-time
- Practice gratitude
- Be positive
- Watch inspirational movies
- Let’s put yourself in other’s shoes
Before I read this I was feeling down,depressed and lonely.Today was one of those days I beat myself up thinking of past guilt and shame,and the I wish I did this or what if I would’ve done this,but after reading this it lift my spirit and have me some clarity about how I can proceed to create a better life.Thank you.
That’s great.
Thanks for opening my eyes on positive solutions for my problems. It will be an enlightened Adventure. I will try my best to stay away from people who create more drama that I don’t want or need. I don’t care about busy bodies anyways. Their life is miserable anyways.