What is confidence? How to build confidence? How to be more confident? Very rare questions that people often ask and discuss. Many of them get the answer but a few of them still don’t.
Confidence is a very essential tool one should use to enjoy a peaceful, healthy, happy, and joyous life. It is the key to success, freedom of choice, and doubt. Confidence is something by which you can manage fears and become capable to do more stuff that matters in life.
Self-confidence cannot be taught, no one teaches us how to be happy or sad. It is the belief that someone possesses inside them. Self-confidence is the feeling that comes along as we get mature mentally, emotionally, and physically. It is very important to believe in yourself before we believe others.
On the contrary low self-confidence spirals down into a cycle of circular thinking and negative thoughts. It will keep you mired in damaging your mental health and break down your ability to do something.
Now the question arises, how can you move in a positive direction and boost up your self-confidence. It’s not rocket science to learn some tips and tricks to increase your self-confidence.
Let’s learn these 30 most simple confidence boosters and proven ways to boost your self-confidence.
1. Do something creative
Creativity is the best way to distract yourself from the daily routine as well as help in boosting your self-confidence. In fact, creativity stimulates the thinking power of the brain, so the more you engage it the more it will benefit you. Doing something you enjoy gives you a good and happy feeling, it’s an opportunity to learn and experience something new.
Some of its benefits are listed below:
- It improves your focus and attention.
- It can be really enjoyable.
- You can connect with different people
- It is mental therapy for relaxation.
- It can make you learn something new.
You can write some blogs, play music, do painting, cooking, scrapbooking, cake decoration, interior design your own home, knitting, sewing, gardening, dancing, art, designing and many more.
2. Do something for others
It’s not necessary to always think of yourself or for yourself. Instead of always going along trying to sell yourself, why not simply go along and change your approach to see how you can help others. In short, the satisfaction and confidence we receive in return of helping others or do something for others are amazing.
It’s not necessary to always spend some money or to spend a lot of time with someone having a sad face. Your bright face can lighten many souls. You can spend a few hours with your grandparents, some patients in the hospital, you can help the needy people or even sharing your knowledge also comes in this circle. By doing these little efforts you will feel an instant boost of confidence in your selves.
3. Say bye-bye to toxic people
Self-confidence comes from the following positivity and you can’t remain positive while having toxic relationships in your life. Toxic people drive your brain into a depressed and stressed out state and leave behind an empty poor soul without self-esteem. These people are specially called “energy swappers” who took away all your positive energy and leave yourselves to feel that you’re a failure.
So it is very important to restrict these people in your life instantly. Sometimes these people exist in our close circle who we love actually and wanted them to be in our life. But if they are damaging your mental health and capabilities, you must think upon it and show them the red signal right away.
This is one of the best ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence.
4. Stop trying to impress others
To keep your sanity intact and maintain your self-respect, stop trying to impress others. Stop squeezing yourself into the boxes that are based on what others think about you. Self-confidence is very important in every walk of life and this confidence can break into thousands of pieces by just one comment and or opinion. The one who knows what is best for him and what he loves the most must be confident about his decisions and choices because if you will believe yourselves, you will only try to impress yourself.
By following this way you can feel inner happiness and satisfaction and can enjoy life at its best. This part of your self is hidden in your hobbies and talent, so try to find it out and just impress yourself with your incredible qualities.
5. Don’t underestimate yourself
Every problem in this world is not because of you. So it’s not necessary to make yourself responsible for anything good or bad happen to anyone. All this will slow down your learning process and you can’t focus on your life. No one can blame you for anything until and unless you allow them.
Practice this thing in your life, listen to yourself, use some encouraging words, and talk to yourself like a friend. Sometimes people make mistakes but it’s not right to feel guilty on little things you even have done to anyone. A positive mindset is very important in this case, so tell yourself that you are dynamic. It will gradually boost up your inner confidence.
6. Hit the gym

A boring usual daily routine makes a person exhausted and irritated. It also takes away your confidence and power for the next day. A tired and unhealthy body can’t deliver the best which it wants to. If you want to be fresh and healthy for the next day when you meet your colleagues, hit the gym.
It’s a very essential need for your body and brain. Exercise releases endorphins that make you happy and confident. No matter how little time you get and how much work is still on the pending list. Take out some time for yourself and enjoy some yoga, Pilates, and cardio to face the next day challenges.
7. Practice gratitude
Gratefulness is the best way to fill your heart with confidence and satisfaction. Gratitude makes you more upbeat and optimistic. The negative thinking and ungratefulness can bring on stress, depression, and anxiety and even compromise your mental health and capabilities. The best strength to keep yourself upright and maintain your self-confidence is gratitude. And also try to clear your mind from stress.
Embrace little changes around you in people, in weather, in this world. Keep some memories of when you were the strongest from inside in the toughest times. It will help you to stay confident.
8. It’s ok to be silly sometimes
Are you scared of looking silly at times! You shouldn’t. It’s not a big deal seriously. Nothing is perfect in this world and not so you are. We sometimes make foolish mistakes or do something awful that makes people laugh at us. When we try something new, there is a fair chance that we can make ourselves fools. But you will make yourself the bigger one if you will stop yourself.
Instead of stressing upon it laugh on immaturity and childishness. Being innocent is not a crime, so watch your confidence as you have already started mastering your chosen activity.
9. Recall the great memories
Sometimes we feel extremely exhausted from trying again and again and think ourselves a failure. It makes us hooked up with the problems and don’t let us move on in life. When your motivation and self-confidence is running low, dive into your memory bank and pull out those moments when you were flying high and achieving great things.
This is considered as the best tip to instantly boost up your confidence level. Dwell on the good flashes that had lightened up your days. You will observe your current levels of sadness surprisingly stepping back up and then continue the good work.
This is one of the best ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence
10. Don’t let your fears bring you down
Many times it’s not about the situations, it’s not about the people or it’s not about the problems but there is a whole wave of fears inside your heart that destroys you. You are human and mistakes are possible. There are fears and apprehension that disturb your mind and soul and don’t even let you try anything new in life.
Practice a strong control over your emotions and fears. Believe in yourself. Probably you can’t make it or make a mistake but be happy for at least you tried your best and then move on in life.
11. Set your priorities
It is a very important aspect for your inner satisfaction and this positivity and inner satisfaction helps in maintaining your confidence level. If you will set your priorities and give the importance to each of them, you will never regret in life.
Give priority to yourself. Your sanity and confidence is the most important thing to live a happy life and it will also help others to lead a successful life ahead. This will instantly Boost Your Self-Confidence.
12. Set short and long term goals
Aims and goals play a very essential role in leading a successful life. You can say that it is the most organized technique to make you focused on. When you have some peaceful time, think about the goals you have achieved and what are the ones that need to be fulfilled. The past achievements will make you confident enough and motivate you to achieve the other goals too.
Make a list of short and long term goals and cross them one by one after incredible achievements. It will make you feel confident about yourself.
13. Be around positive people

You will feel a drastic change in your personality when you will follow this way. You will be amazed to see that how happy and contented you are now and how fast your opinion about your self has changed after making a simple change you make by being around the positive people around you.
So try to make positive friends that don’t backbite you, belittle you or demean you and the ones who appreciate your efforts and accomplishments. It will make you appreciate yourself too.
14. Love your self
You may have a bad day yesterday and you faced lots of hardships. But ask yourself are these things more than your integrity and soul. Tell yourself “I love you” every day. It helps defeat the negativity. People around you will automatically love and respect you. This trick will keep you contented and confident.
You are your best friend. If people let you down, and your inner critic says that you are wrong. Your inner confidence and love for yourself must answer it in a positive manner that “I can do it” no matter what.
15. Take care of yourself
Self-care is imperative in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and produces a positive feeling that helps in building self-confidence and self-love. Take out some time from the busy routine for yourself, get some pure fresh air, a nourishing healthy meal, go for a walk, etc.
By nurturing your body, you will be able to take all the negative and toxic feelings out. You will feel amazing and confident.
16. Get education
For me education is the best thing, one can have. If you are single and can take some time out to study, go for that. Get another degree, join some new courses, and learn something new under the guidance of experienced teachers. Achieving a degree is not an easy task. It is a result of years of dedication and sacrifice.
Educated people should proud of themselves. Completing the courses and getting the degrees ultimately provide a huge lift to personal self-esteem. It boosts up the confidence level and you can move and shoot further.
17. Groom your self
One of the simplest ways to build your self-confidence is to groom and dress well. Learn some basic techniques on how to look more appealing in front of people. Dress yourself according to the routine, events, and occasions.
Learn some makeup looks, new hairstyles, get a proper haircut and learn to keep it simple and minimalistic. Choose the best dresses according to your favorite colors and style. These simple things can make a huge difference and help in upgrading your confidence level.
18. Keep your place neat and clean
A lot of people don’t link this good habit with the confidence level. But this habit has a very strong connection with inner satisfaction and confidence level. You don’t need to make your house clean only. It is about every place like your office, house, school or simply a wardrobe.
A room is reflective of how organized and cluttered your mind is. Coming in a neat and organized home from a hectic routine makes you feel like life is just a little more on track. This inner satisfaction and comfort will eventually enhance your self-confidence.
19. Practice the right posture
Your body also shows the strength and power you have. A good posture seems to look in a better frame of mind of others. Stand and walk tall, with head held high shows that you are capable to face the challenges of life. A strong powerful personality with compassion is the ideal one and let yourself and others that you are the one.
20. Chase your comfort zone
Following the same routine daily can make you dull and exhausted. If you want to add some spice in life. Stretch yourself and stand at the edge of your comfort zone.
Approach a different and difficult situation, meet different people and try something new, mind that the more you experience the life, the more confident you will be.
21. Solve the previous issues
The unresolved issues of your past will not let you live the present. All this drama can keep you trapped in guilt and low self-esteem. If there are some issues with your close relatives and friends, you can start first with sorry and apologies. To make a bright future with no grudges or bad feelings practice this trick.
22. Take help from books

Books are known as man’s best friend. You can also take help from an inspirational and motivational read. There are many books which help you develop your life spiritually, mentally and improve your way of living. A good and inspirational read lifts you and makes you feel confident and positive about yourself. It also helps you in building up your confidence level to touch the skies in the future.
23. Set some boundaries
The best way to find your self-confidence is to set personal boundaries. The rules which you set for yourselves are the best ones. You must know about your boundaries and think about your reactions when people cross them.
Don’t allow people to be part of your matters and discussions. Keep some privacy and some rules for yourself and don’t let people control you or manipulate you. You will see an incredible change by maintaining firm boundaries.
24. Welcome failures
Things don’t go smoothly always, there are some bad days too. The first step is to accept the failures. That’s ok everyone makes mistakes sometimes it hurts a bit and sometimes a lot. When you will accept the failure it will be less painful and go faster.
The best way is to learn from the situation. You have to think constructively and find some inspiration to stand up again and move forward without getting stuck in mulling this situation for a longer period.
25. Always remain a learner
Be a long life learner. The process of learning never ends. Don’t consider yourself the most superior one. Everyone learns something from someone. Even at times, our children teach us the biggest lessons of life. It is the best way and opportunity to increase your knowledge and confidence to move forward in life.
26. Define success
You must recognize the success and failures in life. The definition of success must be clear in your mind. In this aspect, confidence plays a very important role. You will succeed in life if you have confidence and if you will be confident you will get success in life both of them go vice versa. But it doesn’t mean that the unsuccessful ones can’t build it up in their selves.
It’s also about the hard work you do. Your passion and determination will let you achieve every milestone you want to.
27. Stop thinking about what others think
To lead a happy and peaceful life, you should stop worrying about what others think about you. You can’t make decisions and you can’t live a free life. Don’t let people control your mind and soul and snatch away your self-esteem and confidence. By practicing this you will build self-confidence and freedom of choice.
28. Enjoy some me-time
Taking out some time for yourself is extremely important to keep your sanity and making one prepared for the other daily challenges. Self-confidence is a combination of emotional, physical and social health. If you constantly have low energy, it will ultimately result in low self-confidence.
So take some time out for yourself too. Plan to explore new places, a movie night, a spa session, massage therapy, etc.
29. Be prepared
Learn everything about your field, presentations, job, and people-whatever is next on your conquer list. If you are prepared about all, your self-confidence will soar.
30. Clear mind
At this stage, it is very important to manage your mind. Self-confidence has a very strong relationship with psychology. Learn to collect all the negative self-talk and thoughts and defeat them. This will make your mind and soul strong enough to achieve major goals of life.
Take away
No one is born with self-confidence. If someone seems to have this quality incredibly then he must have worked hard on building confidence. We are answerable to our inner critic 24/7 that constantly tells us we are not on the right track.
Leading a successful life requires a thick skin and immovable and unshakable self-confidence in your ability to overcome circumstances. These are the best 30 confidence boosters which guide us on how to gain confidence quickly to move on in life.
Here’s a quick recap of the 30 Proven Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence:
- Do something creative
- Do something for others
- Say bye-bye to toxic people
- Stop trying to impress others
- Don’t underestimate yourself
- Hit the gym
- Practice gratitude
- It’s ok to be silly sometimes
- Recall the great memories
- Don’t let your fears bring you down
- Set your priorities
- Set short and long term goals
- Be around positive people
- Love your self
- Take care of yourself
- Get education
- Groom your self
- Keep your place neat and clean
- Practice the right posture
- Chase your comfort zone
- Solve the previous issues
- Take help from books
- Set some boundaries
- Welcome failures
- Always remain a learner
- Define success
- Stop thinking about what others think
- Enjoy some me-time
- Be prepared
- Clear mind
Many underestimate cleanliness and right posture. Just like others, they work! Also, learning new things, helping others and books are bomb! All others are very critical, especially goal setting!
Thanks for this masterpiece.
Getting brid of pple or friend with a negetive mindset is very difficult but this article makes it easy and piossible