
30 Mind-Blowing Psychology Facts That Most People Don’t Know

30 Mind-Blowing Psychology Facts

The human psyche is unique and it is infinitely complex. Every day we witness new researches and theories. We evaluate ourselves and the people around us according to these facts and illuminate why we are the way we are.

30 Mind-Blowing Psychology Facts

Here we have compiled up the 30 mind-blowing psychology facts that most people don’t know. These facts explain human nature and shed some light on the different patterns you notice in yourself and others.

The below-mentioned facts will help you in evaluating people and your selves too.

1. Loving people

The people around you work more than any kind of medicine do. They used to make you feel less lonely and less disturbed.

2. Memory fact

We use to remember things better if we had been tested on them. Remember the days when we used to do some practice tests in chemistry labs. Practically doing the tests make us remember every element we are experimenting with.

This fact is one of my best psychology facts.

3. Best advice

When we see people giving the best advice, we must believe the fact they are suffering from the biggest problems.

4. Handwriting fact

It’s a fact that the faster and smarter a person thinks, the sloppier his handwriting is.

5. Pain receptors

Do you know, women have more pain receptors on their bodies as compare to men but their tolerance level is very high. This is the reason that women can bear the pregnancy and delivery pain.

6. High-frequency music

Listening to music is good, but high-frequency music makes you feel relaxed, calm, and happy.

7. Woman’s choice

Women usually prefer men with hoarse and husky voices. According to women, men with deep voices look more confident and bold.

Also, check signs of an independent woman

8. Long-lasting friendship

Friendships that are born between the periods of 16 to 28 years of age are likely to be more durable and stay for a quite long time.

9. Happy people

We can see the happiest people around us. But the facts about them are not the same. A lot of pain, loneliness, and depression are behind the scene thing.

10. Intelligent people

Intelligent people are usually very selective about making friends. They have fewer friends but good company.

11. Language and personality

People, who used to speak two languages, shift their personalities according to the language they speak at the moment. Their brain basically switches the personality along with the switch of languages.

12. Less sleep

Happier people used to sleepless. Their mood will drive them to do more work and they are more successful. It’s a complete life cycle.

13. Loneliness

Being alone for a longer period is as injurious to your health as smoking fifteen cigarettes a day do.

14. Marrying your best friend

It’s a fact that, if you marry your best friend the risk of divorce reduces to 70%. These marriages last for long and have unique bonding. Couples can share their feelings, joys, and emotions.

15. Taking bold steps

Taking bold steps may scare you but it will give you immense happiness, satisfaction, and confidence. The initial step is always difficult and scary but this is the step that boosts your self-confidence.

16. Women keep secrets

A woman can keep more secrets than a man. They can keep them for a longer time too. Like she can keep a secret for 47 hours and 15 minutes.

17. Write down your thoughts

Many times, the thoughts and depression caused by them don’t let you sleep peacefully. So, get up and write down on paper, this will help you ease in sleep and gives you peace of mind.

18. Communication fact

The way we communicate with others usually describes our mood. But on the other hand, it is also said that our mood doesn’t have any effect on how we talk to others.

This is one of the best psychology facts that most people do not know..

19. Traveling

Traveling is the best way to boost one’s brain and it also helps in decreasing heart attack and other health risks. Nowadays traveling on vacations is becoming common and people used to release their stress by traveling.

20. A yawn can create an amazing bond

It is a natural phenomenon that if someone yawns you will catch the same. It shows empathy as yawning is contagious.

21. Start and end are easy to remember

When people recall some items or important notes they first remember the first item from the list and the last ones. It is a psychological fact that most people still don’t know.

22. Five positive things outweigh a single negative

It is a fact that we remember bad more than good. This is why we usually forget someone’s appreciation, respect, and compliments and just remember one negative word. So we need rationalization of five to one of good than bad in our lives.

Readout our article about 121 positive things to get rid of negative thoughts.

23. Favor fact

It is a rule of reciprocity that we help those who have helped us. It is human nature that we used to favor those who favored us.

24. When we are required to be in limit, we always want to cross the one

This phenomenon is called reactance in psychology. The rules break, when certain freedoms are taken away. It is human nature that if we are stopped from doing something, our mind eagerly wants to do that thing.

25. Interesting speeches

Our brains can talk and they also talk over the boring speeches when we read aloud. Our brain tries to make them interesting ones and make them more clearly in our heads.

26. Multitasking

Many of us think that we can multitask, but it’s not that easy. Your mind can switch between what to do first and then second but if it is observed keenly then only one task is performed at one time.

This is one of the great psychology facts that most people do not even know.

27. Future is bright

We are born positive. We all have that optimism bias that convinces us about the fact that the future will be better than the past. We assume the betterment in life and realize that we will rise in our career.

28. Minds get confused with too many choices

Researchers criticized this funda of choosing something from many options. Too many choices and options can create a confusing web in mind and took its ability to make a final decision.

Check out another article about the best psychology tricks.

29. Sensitivity to scarcity

The feeling of missing something you need, make you scared of scarcity. Your mind is too busy to remember if you are cash strapped. You will ultimately need more reminders to do groceries and pay bills.

30. Our mind finds a problem

Did you ever think about why we are always in the problem? One gets solved and you have another one ready to come. This is because our mind likes to be busy with problematic stuff.


These amazing secrets or facts about people will leave you surprised and astonished. We have listed the 30 mind-blowing facts that can better help you understand others as well as yourselves.

Here’s a quick recap of 30 Mind-Blowing Psychology Facts That Most People Don’t Know:

  1. Loving people
  2. Memory fact
  3. Best advice
  4. Handwriting fact
  5. Pain receptors
  6. High-frequency music
  7. Woman’s choice
  8. Long-lasting friendship
  9. Happy people
  10. Intelligent people
  11. Language and personality
  12. Less sleep
  13. Loneliness
  14. Marrying your best friend
  15. Taking bold steps
  16. Women keep secrets
  17. Write down your thoughts
  18. Communication fact
  19. Traveling
  20. A yawn can create an amazing bond
  21. Start and end are easy to remember
  22. Five positive things outweigh a single negative
  23. Favor fact
  24. When we are required to be in limit, we always want to cross the one
  25. Interesting speeches
  26. Multitasking
  27. Future is bright
  28. Minds get confused with too many choices
  29. Sensitivity to scarcity
  30. Our mind finds a problem

Want to say something about these 30 Mind-Blowing Psychology Facts? OR Do you have any other psychology facts in your mind? Leave your comments below.

Written by Abdul Qayyum Rajpoot

Abdul Qayyum Rajpoot is a productivity enthusiast who in on mission to help entrepreneurs and solopreneurs in achieving their business goals through focus, grit, and motivation. When he is not advocating smarter work, he is traveling the world or journaling his achievements in the self-growth arena on his blog.


Leave a Reply
  1. Thank you for such an interesting read and intriguing facts. I particularly like #`5 Taking Bold Steps. In my personal experience and that of working with others, I have seen time and again that taking bold steps towards a goal one is truly passionate about is powerful in boosting happiness and confidence. Sometimes it can be an act of blind faith but becoming aware of the limiting/fearful beliefs that drive the fear helps create a deeper and permanent shift.

  2. Thank you for the good read. I learned a new things that I didn’t know. Now I am going to follow your article and get some knowledge on the subject.
    Thank you

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