Do you ever wish that you could read people’s mind? Or do you want to be confident and comfortable among people? There are very few things you can do to control your relationships or could be liked among people. None of the magical force works here, you just have to play some simple psychology tricks.
25 Simple Psychology Tricks
This is the list of those basic and simple psychology tricks that not only make sense but they are all very well known and can be a great deal in your favor.
Here are the 25 best Psychology Tricks:
1. You must be a great listener

This is a very positive and one of the simple psychological tricks that you can do to impress someone. Listening carefully to someone shows how much attention you are paying to the speaker.
Try to repeat the statement or rephrase it, people want attention and to be considered. If they will observe that you are thinking about something and not listening to them it will surely break their heart and they will never share their thoughts with you. So must listen and reply.
2. Maintain a soft Eye contact

It is a very important gesture when you are making a formal conversation. Due to lack of confidence, many of us can’t maintain constant eye contact, not even while listening but while speaking too. But it should be frequently practiced.
This is one of the simple physiological tricks that can make you confident and can easily turn the ball in your court.
Moreover, you should also try to make a note of the eye color of the person you are talking with. In this way, you can create steady eye contact and enjoy your conversation.
3. Warm hands

A good handshake is the most significant and one of the simple psychology tricks that work like magic. A cold handshake will definitely make a bad impression, but warm doesn’t mean that sweaty palms.
A comfortable soothing warm handshake is the best trick anyone can follow easily. But remember! It shouldn’t be too harsh or too soft… it should be a nice, comfortable touch. It impresses and attracts the other person and shows your interest and warm approach.
4. Be first or last
It’s very beneficial and one of the useful psychology tricks which help you being remembered among the crowd. The middle often seems to be blurred in the memory.
People use to remember the start or end of things instead of middle ones. This technique works very well when you have an important interview ahead. So, while setting the time for an interview try to be a little quick and reach on time.
If you couldn’t make it so try to reach at last so that your boss clearly remember meeting and talking to you.
5. Keep silence

Silence is golden. This is one of the best tricks that work in the most confusing situations.
If your boss is angry or there is an argument between your colleagues, you should prefer to stay quiet and let the dispute resolved on its own. Power of silence is the biggest one and it will clear most of the disputes.
This trick also works if you are observing someone who has to say more about something. Stay quiet and let them finish. The silence gap will be ultimately filled with interesting information. The person will reveal more and you can easily take advantage of this extra information.
6. Mirroring the body language
Mirroring someone’s body language is an effective way to create a good connection. A person quietly listening to you with poor body language will annoy you and you will definitely catch on to someone with more defining skills.
While conversing with someone try to mirror their body language, but don’t do it in a very noticeable manner. Otherwise, it will make a very negative impact.
Subtly copy the same body postures by sitting close will definitely make a very positive impression.
7. Be always agreeable
This psychological trick that works on anyone and it is very effective in most of situations. If you want someone to have the same opinion, nod and try to maintain eye contact during conversation.
The brain reads the face expression and nodding as you are convinced with your friend’s suggestion, your friend will also react in the same way with nodding style and it will make them believe you ultimately.
This trick works almost in every situation but in a few, it looks very obvious, so don’t try to do fake agreements.
8. Stay calm and comfortable

If In a group of new people you feel uncomfortable or you feel little hesitation while speaking in front of them. The best solution to this is to pretend….
Take some minutes to calm down yourself and prepare yourself for the speech you are going to deliver. You should be focused on the target and play a trick to get out of the anxiety and panic situations.
It’s human nature, that we feel awkward among new people but at least try not to show this in public.
9. Adrenaline rush
This is a very common psychological trick to read minds.
An adrenaline rush is a perfect way to stimulate arousal in the brain. If you are dating someone, plan any horror movie or a thrilling roller coaster ride. This will make people think that you are happy with them and enjoying their company.
The rush of hormones will make you closer to them and it will help you create a strong bond.
Here is how to clear your mind from stress
10. Ask for favors
This is the most favorite psychological trick to manipulate someone and get their attention. It seems a little awkward but according to Benjamin Franklin, it is the most interesting psychological trick someone can play with the other’s mind.
There is a small secret behind this. If you ask someone a favor the other will more apt to like you because their brain already sent a signal that they already like you because you are obliging a person and then expecting them to do little favors for you. If they won’t like you they wouldn’t have to ask you for any favor.
It must be a small favor like please pass on the glass or you can ask for some opinion too and remember don’t return it immediately.
11. Be confident

It is one of the very simple psychological tricks. It’s not necessary that you know each and everything but a confident body language pretends very well that you are aware of all the things.
Confidence is the key to success. People like confident people, who talk with grace and a little attitude. This shows that they are trustworthy and reliable.
12. Call people with their right names
Try to remember people with their right names. They feel respected and honored when called by their good names. They will like you too as a wonderful person because they will feel; you considered them the most important person.
Try to pronounce their name a couple of times in a meeting, this will make you remember them by their face and you will instantly remember them in the next meeting.
13. Notice people’s feet

When entering the room, make sure to look at people’s feet. This is the perfect sign which allows you to be there or leave as soon as possible.
If their feet turn towards you welcoming your presence, it means they want you to be the part of their discussion. But if you observe that their complete body language is confused, like while talking to them they turned their torso towards you but not their feet. It means they don’t want to interact with you. And if you are talking to someone and their feet are in different directions, it means that you should have to leave shortly.
14. Learning with teaching

This seems to be a great advantage for teachers. We don’t realize this but you can learn more efficiently while teaching.
Experts even say that if you want to learn something try to indulge others in this process and share your knowledge after you have gained and practiced the information. This will significantly benefit you as well as the others.
To teach others you must have to jot down the relevant research; this has added more to the benefit you will get.
You will also transform into a more disciplined and presentable human being as teaching is based on these aspects.
15. Choose your place wisely

If you have any argument with someone and you have to choose your place, sit next to that person rather than sitting across them. This is one of the simple psychological tricks to calm down the person sitting next to you. However, if you are in front of them their anger may provoke and the situation may become worse.
Don’t try to face your opponent or be violent or abusive, even if you are right. try your level best to calm down yourself, your opponent, and the environment. This will let them think on the argument once again and they will eventually realize their mistake.
16. Be nice and kind
In this world of hatred, jealousy, and competition, some nice and kind words make a big difference. Try to be soft-spoken and kind to others.
This is a very fair and one of the great psychology tricks. If someone had a bad day and he is extremely tired of all-day happenings. Your sweet and kind gesture like presenting a hot cup of tea will be the best thing for him cheers him up.
A little care and small gestures are very important to create a strong bond, either with your friends or in the family.
17. Notice while laughter breaks
This is one of the simple psychological tricks that are smartest of all. It is just a game of observation. When the laughter breaks out during a conversation between people, after a joke or during a discussion each of them will glance at the closest to them or at whom they liked the most. That is the moment when you can easily spot out the one who’s enjoying your company at work and who’s not.
You will be really surprised by these observations.
18. Introduce yourself
An introduction is very important to give a brief idea about yourself. If you meet someone try to introduce yourself and let them give you a brief introduction about themselves too. Try asking Small questions like what’s your name, what do you do? etc.
Don’t try to overdo this trick, an essay about yourself will exhaust them and they will try to run away from you.
19. Find out who’s observing you
If you are in doubt that someone is watching you but you are not sure about it. This mystery can be solved by little smartness.
Try yawning! If really someone is looking at you they will also start yawning. This is called contagious yawning. For example, you are sitting in a room and you are feeling that someone’s eyes are watching you. If you will yawn, the other one will yawn too. You can easily spot out the one whose eyes are on you.
This is a very interesting fact but its human psychology. Even monkeys also do so.
20. Have food to solve a dispute
If you have an argument with your wife or friend, and it’s just getting on your nerves. Don’t worry food can solve your problem. Don’t drag it too much; just go on the date in some nice restaurant. While eating food your main focus will be on what you are eating, how they taste is and how much food is left. This will definitely divert your minds and you will eat more and fight less.
Food actually serves as a great distraction and it helps in releasing tension. Another plus point is that among the other people dining there, the dispute will never get heated up and you will try to dissolve it in quite a sensible way. This is one of the best psychology tricks.
21. The first impression is the last impression
According to the halo effect by Thorndike, the First impression should be skewed by any positive quality that will make people generalizing you as a whole.
To play this trick, you must think about any of your remarkable qualities by which you can frequently impress others. Life is very fast and people don’t have much time to listen to your whole story and understand you. If you are interviewing two men for the manager post and have to choose one, without a doubt, you will choose the one who left with the first best impression.
So knowing how to make the first impression the amazing one is very essential.
22. Let them be curious
There is a psychological phenomenon called curiosity. This trick can effortlessly be played with anyone by provoking them revealing a little bit of information about some they were waiting for so long. Once the person knows a little about something, he will surely become curious and wish to know about the complete story.
23. Chew something when nervous
If you are getting nervous about something and this anxiety is killing you. Try popping a piece of chewing gum!!
Experts say that chewing gum helps in controlling anxiety and panic attacks (which takes a lot of your positive energy) and makes you calm and relax. By chewing gum, you simply trick your brain that you are comfortable.
24. Keep smiling or fake it

Smiling can trick your brain into believing that you are happy from inside. It overcomes depression, anxiety and boosts your energy.
Dr. Grossan said, “When you smile, the brain sees the muscle and assumes that humor is happening.” It means it helps your immune system too.
Even when you are not happy and stressed out due to workload pretend that you are smiling. This can help you in social life too. People will like you more and your relationship will grow stronger.
25. Appreciate
A small word of appreciation cheers up the people. If someone is doing any favor to you without asking, thank them for it, give them a compliment, and appreciate them!
It’s one of the very simple psychology tricks but it makes a huge difference. Simply if your mother is putting your shoes and clothes on the place and cooks food for you, show gratitude to her and appreciate her for her care and support.
People will get pleased and become more likely to do small favors for you. So, appreciate the world around you!
We hope you enjoyed our list of 25 Simple Psychology Tricks.
You cannot completely judge or read someone but these are very simple and useful psychology tricks that can be followed and help people a great deal.
Here is the quick recap of 25 Simple Psychology Tricks That Works Like Magic:
- You must be a great listener
- Maintain a soft Eye contact
- Warm hands
- Be first or last
- Keep silence
- Mirroring the body language
- Be always agreeable
- Stay calm and comfortable
- Adrenaline rush
- Ask for favors
- Be confident
- Call people with their right names
- Notice peoples feet
- Learning with teaching
- Choose your place wisely
- Be nice and kind
- Notice while laughter breaks
- Introduce yourself
- Find out who’s observing you
- Have food to solve a dispute
- The first impression is the last impression
- Let them be curious
- Chew something when nervous
- Keep smiling or fake it
- Appreciate
While I think the content of this article is great and useful, it is very hard to read. The author leaves words out so the sentences don’t flow. It’s very hard to read.
Thank you. We will try to improve.
I noticed that, too, as well as less-than-perfect English. For example, he has a sentence that is of the form “If x.” and the sentence ends. So, obviously we are not looking at professional journalism standards here. Now, having said that, I would still say that it is pretty good otherwise, and most of the advice is very good (even if not new). So, we can appreciate the suggestions if we don’t spend too much time focusing on the imperfections in the written language.
I think he did a great job in his suggestions and recommendations. Clesrly some folks have a need to bully even in this forum. Try to compliment folks who have taken the time to help others. This is an example of our selfish society and the ugliness in the world. If someone makes a mistake dont call them out for all to see, Take them aside in private by sending a msg or note to them privately. My question is Did they ever learn “Think before speaking” or “Nothing nice to say, keep it to yourself.”
Great post. Thanks for sharing these tricks for better psychology. I have got lots of information regarding psychology and how things works. All your hardwork is much appreciated.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the appreciation. I will continue to write more.
You’re welcome. And thanks for the appreciation.
I found this article interesting.Nothing compares with positivety,and this article
certainly was a positive one.
Thanks for the appreciation.
The article was really good. I have always implemented some in my daily interactions, and will surely try the others too.
Why does there seem to always see the dark? To see the light and the world and all it has to offer is so wonderful. I is articles like this that helps people remember to be good stewards of are family and friends.
I am a disable Marine Corp Vietnam Veteran and it is easy for me to get depressed. I have a service dog and he helps but not enough. It is kind and encouraging articles that do lift me. I search everyday. Keep up the good work and don’t let the buggers get you down.
Thanks for the appreciation.
Thank you for so many good points. I have a hard time interacting because of insecurity and I know that I do some of the things like not looking into someone’s eyes and not listening enough. The info about foot positions was quite interesting. Something I have never thought about, but it makes good sense. I am saving your article. Good Advice!!
Thanks for the appreciation. I will continue to write more.
You are very gifted so please continue to write more. It does not matter if sentences are structured right or wrong. What matters is that you got the information out and we could understand it. Best of look in your future endeavors. God bless and GO CHIEFS!
I loved the smiling option…Let me try it out when in stress to fool the brain…
Sure try it. It will work.
Thank you for all these tips. They are really very useful and effective. No doubt that this article is very helpful for most of those who really can understand it.
Really appreciable.
Thank you.
I sent it to each one of my grandchildren, Thank you.
You’re welcome.
Thank you for these wonderful advices. It is indeed veey useful in our daily life.
Thanks for the appreciation.
Thank you for all these tips. They are really very useful and effective. No doubt that this article is very helpful for most of the people.
I highly appreciate this information, thanks.
Sure, I will continue to share more.
Thank you.
You’re welcome
Such a good post. Just excellent!
Excellent work! Remarkable!!
Thank you for such an Informative & helpful
Article! It helped me to understand what I need to
do to make changes in my approach.