
10 Most Beautiful Places You must Visit in Your Lifetime

10 Most Beautiful Places You must Visit in Your Lifetime

Cascading waterfalls, snowcapped mountains, scenic plains, serene lakes and breathtaking beaches; the world is full of exotic places waiting to be explored. These places seem as if they are from another realm. Their incredible beauty is awe-inspiring. And they are sure to leave an indelible mark on your memory.

10 Most Beautiful Places You Must Visit in Your Lifetime

Today we are bringing you an essential guide for the wanderlust. So go on and book your air ticket, because we have compiled a list of 10 most beautiful places you must visit in your lifetime.

1. Boracay, Philippines

Most Beautiful places - Boracay, Philippines
Credits: Pixabay

Boracay has been a longtime favorite spot for tourism. Its white, sandy beaches fringed with palm trees and clear blue waters are beckoning sights. Tourists can take a walk on the sandy shore and relish the tranquil beauty of the Island.

Moreover, Boracay offers a host of other activities such as horseback riding, scuba diving, parasailing, kiteboarding, snorkeling and cliff diving. Enjoy the gorgeous sunset and then watch the island come to life as music breaks out and fire dancers mesmerize by twirling their batons.

2. Cappadocia, Turkey

Most Beautiful places - Cappadocia, Turkey
Credits: Pixabay

Cappadocia is a place full of wonders. From its fairy chimneys, cave dwellings, incredible rock formations and the rare sight of hundreds of hot air balloons soaring in the sky; this place looks like a fantasy land. Cappadocia offers numerous hiking trails and there are various castles, caves and valleys to explore.

The hot air balloon ride during sunrise is a major tourist attraction and lets sightseers appreciate the incredible landscape. The pink salt lake is also a remarkable sight to behold. Cappadocia’s beauty is captivating and other-worldly.

3. Faroe Islands

Most Beautiful places - Faroe Islands
Credits: Pixabay

Faroe Islands are 18 volcanic islands located between Iceland and Norway in the North Atlantic. The archipelago boasts of windswept mountains, jagged coastline, grass-thatched rooftops, steep cliffs and Puffins! Yes, that’s right! The adorable birds can be found waddling along the coast in large numbers.

Faroe Islands present a beauty that seems surreal. Popular tourist spots include the Mulafossur Waterfall and the optical illusion of Lake Sørvágsvatn. At night you can witness the spectacular phenomena of the Northern Lights.

4. Cliffs of Moher, Ireland

Most Beautiful places - Cliffs of Moher, Ireland
Credits: Pixabay

The magnificent Cliffs of Moher are situated on the West Coast of Ireland in County Clare. The staggering height of these cliffs and the steep drop inspires wonder. Trekking across the clifftop will prove to be an unforgettable experience as you marvel at the incredible beauty that surrounds you.

The cliffs are also home to various flora and fauna. Puffins, razorbills, kittiwakes, and peregrine falcons are some of the many exotic birds that inhabit these cliffs. Gorgeous wildflowers line the grassy coastline. Sharks and dolphins are also a common sight in the water, so make sure to look out for those.

5. Zhangye Danxia, China

Most Beautiful places - Zhangye Danxia, China
Credits: Pixabay

Zhangye Danxia or Rainbow Mountains are a wonder to behold. The striated ridges of these mountains are a kaleidoscope of different colors. There are four different viewing platforms and tourists have to use sightseeing buses. This is a natural masterpiece that you should definitely visit once in your lifetime.

6. Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, Japan

Most Beautiful places - Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, Japan
Credits; Pixabay

A grove of tall bamboo plants with a walkway that runs in the middle is a popular sightseeing destination in Kyoto, Japan. The bamboo stalks stretch upwards to the sky and the sunlight sieves through the grove creating a scene right out of a fairytale. A light breeze blowing through the grove bends the stalks producing a calm rustling and squeaking sound. The overall impression of this place is no short of being simply magical.

7. Isle of Skye, Scotland

Most Beautiful places - Isle of Skye, Scotland
Credits: Pixabay

The Isle of Skye translates to ‘Cloud Island’ in Old Norse, a name it earned due to its mist covered cliffs. The Island offers a jaw-dropping landscape with beautiful waterfalls, massive cliffs, desolate lighthouses, ancient castles, bridges, and lakes. The stunning scenery and dramatic skies enthrall onlookers. This is an excellent destination spot for marveling natural beauty.

8. Avenue of the Baobabs, Madagascar

Most Beautiful places - Avenue of the Baobabs, Madagascar
Credits: Pixabay

A row of majestic baobab trees lining a dirt road in western Madagascar is a tourist hotspot. During sunset and sunrise, the tree trunks dipped in the yellow glow along with their pronounced shadows stretching behind them create an ethereal effect. This stunning sight should be on every globetrotter must-see list.

9. The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Most Beautiful places - The Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Credits: Pixabay

The remarkable beauty of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia is unparalleled. It has the largest collection of coral reefs. The reef has an abundance of marine life with numerous species of fish, corals and mollusk. Tourists are offered numerous exciting activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving, helicopter rides, glass-bottomed boat rides, and a chance to watch whales and swim alongside dolphins.

The Great Barrier Reef deserves its spot as a UNESCO World Heritage site. This natural wonder of the world is enchantingly beautiful and should not be missed.

10. Machu Picchu, Peru

Most Beautiful places - Machu Picchu, Peru
Credits: Pixabay

Perched atop the Andes Mountain these ancient ruins provide a spectacular view. The gorgeous vista is a treat for the eyes. Its long winding staircases carved in stone, its temples and numerous rock structures are a breathtaking sight. The stunning views of lush green valleys, snaking ravines, and the spectral stone city make this place truly extraordinary.

Machu Picchu’s unique geographic location and its awe-inspiring views have prompted UNESCO to include this gem in its World Heritage Site. The place has also recently been crowned one of the new 7 natural wonders of the world sparking the interest of tourists worldwide.

Final Words

The world is full of exciting places to explore and wonders waiting to be discovered. Travelling to far off places broadens one’s horizons and has a humbling effect as we realize what a small place we occupy in this big beautiful world. It introduces us to different cultures, languages, and people. It teaches us to love and respect others and appreciate our differences.

In the words of Robyn Yong, “We travel not to escape life but so life doesn’t escape us”.

Here is a quick recap of 10 Most Beautiful Places You Must Visit in Your Lifetime:

  1. Boracay, Philippines
  2. Cappadocia, Turkey
  3. Faroe Islands
  4. Cliffs of Moher, Ireland
  5. Zhangye Danxia, China
  6. Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, Japan
  7. Isle of Skye, Scotland
  8. Avenue of the Baobabs, Madagascar
  9. The Great Barrier Reef, Australia
  10. Machu Picchu, Peru

Which place did you like among these 10 most Beautiful Places? Leave your comments below.

Beautiful Places in the world

Written by Farwa Batool

MSc Biotechnology.
Writer and a mom of two beautiful daughters.

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