The term Alpha Male has become a famous catchphrase among the new tech world of the young generation. Its discussion has become one of the hot topics of bloggers, marketers and social media websites.
But many of us still don’t know what this alpha man phrase means actually?
The alpha male is the man who possesses some of the amazing qualities which men respect and women lust for. These are the guys who push themselves forward towards what they want and believe in themselves, regardless of the challenges they face daily.
Below we are sharing some of the very practical and easy to follow alpha male traits that a man can grasp and change his life to the next level. The characteristics will help you remove all the toxic beta male traits from your life.
20 Alpha Male Traits
If you want to be the alpha of your own life, here are the top 20 alpha male traits that can change your life on a 360° angle.
1. Do It Yourself
This is one of the best traits one can follow to be a true alpha. Whether there are big hurdles to handle like confronting a guy who is abusing a girl or there are small chores to do like cleaning a bathroom.
Going on wars or starting a movement to bring a change in life are also expected from a man of the state. A real alpha is the one who doesn’t depend on other’s choices or ideas, he is the man in himself who is ready to bring a change.
The main thing is, someone has to start from somewhere, then why you cannot.
2. Be Courageous

No one is fearless in this life. As a person we all have some fears and insecurities that we can’t control But, if you want to succeed in the challenges life throws on you one after one. You have to inculcate this alpha male trait in your personality.
A true alpha male don’t let fear overcome his abilities and qualities. He knows how to push himself in one direction despite all the fears. Sometimes the idea of trying and taking risks may scare you but, don’t stop trying.
3. Always Let The Doors Open For Learning
Life is the best teacher. This phrase has so much reality in it. Many of us think about ourselves that we are already doing great and nothing can stop us. That is a complete unintentional illusion. A real alpha male doesn’t stop his mind to think, imagine and learn and then grow, improve and be the best version of himself. Developing things along with gaining knowledge and learn new ways is one of the best things in life. You must teach yourself that you are not capable of doing everything or mastered into some skills.
Always let the little exposure makes you learn and add some good to your repertoire that will come in handy at some point in life. You may be excellent at some skills but maybe an amateur in other areas. So the learning skill will help you in the long term in life.
4. Don’t Hesitate
Hesitation is the part of your game in life. One cannot completely get rid of this factor. However, it kills the most when you are trying anything for the first time in life. But the alpha male doesn’t let this hesitation ruin his struggle, planning, and goals to achieve something in life.
When you are good at something, and you know you can do it much better than your dear friend. Then why hesitate to do it confidently. You must know how to pause, plan action and then work on it when adversity strikes. An alpha male doesn’t stop himself from trying something he knows he is best at it.
5. Don’t disclose everything
A real alpha man must have a straight path in life to follow. If you want to be the true one, then follow this trait to stay focused and confident in life. If you are happy with your little steps or planning anything different and big then try to keep it private with you. You don’t need to disclose every detail until and unless anything important.
Do what you say, and stay focused on your future planning. Start with little steps and then take the big one. Especially hide your achievements and success with the haters around you. Their evil eyes and negative vibes will destroy your imagination and power to accomplish the goals.
6. Be Confident

Confidence is the key to success and one of the most favorite alpha male traits. You can always have one, just a little effort, and the ball will be in your court. A self-assured body language and a confident posture can play a vital part in a man’s personality.
No matter, in which circle you are standing. You must follow your path with your dreams with an immense amount of self-confidence in your recipe. This trait can motivate and encourage others to be the same as you.
7. Don’t Try To Be Dominant
Real alpha males are much more cooperative rather than being dominant. They would find new ways to get along with their loved ones instead of finding ways to break or tear them down. Nothing good can be achieved and gained by controlling people for making them live the life you planned for them.
This alpha male trait gives freedom to the dependent people and makes them strongest by the immense amount of support and cooperation.
8. Never Show Your Weaknesses

Everyone has weaknesses and failures in life, but showing them can bring too many problems to your plate. When standing, make sure that you keep your body posture intact with your feet shoulder-width apart. You must be relaxed with your knees slightly bent and zero tension in your body.
Your posture and body say a lot. That’s why a correct posture is very important to make others believe that you are okay with the failures and weaknesses you had. Let your weakness be your best teacher that improves you at the personal level.
9. Control Your Emotions
Life throws innumerable circumstances and challenges every day, but how we face and react to unfavorable situations is the main thing. If the problem hits, you are fired from a job, had a bad fight, failed in science this year, had multiple health issues, insulted and dumped- the thing is how you react?
A true alpha male knows how to react in vulnerable situations by taking a bunch of deep breaths and evaluating his next best plan. He will not drain himself emotionally, lashes out at someone, and digs himself in the grave for the unsuccessful plan.
10. Believe that Life Has A Purpose
It doesn’t matter, what you want to be in your life, a doctor, a CEO, an accountant, a professional player, or an engineer. The thing that matters is that you want to stand at some position in life. You have some direction, the best way to move on with a practical future approach.
Every other day then gives you a chance of improvement, motivation, and a sense of determination when you have the correct direction in life. The alpha male never floats aimlessly in life. He always has a purpose in his mind and a clear road to move on smoothly
11. Don’t Afraid Of Making Decisions
The fear of making the wrong decisions can lead to an unsuccessful life. It is the fear of how you deal with the consequences after making a wrong decision. Whether, it is about the restaurant choice, selection of friends, selecting a university or making major future decisions like investing in a company, choosing a job, etc.
A real alpha male doesn’t afraid of making bold decisions in life. He is recognized by his powerful approach to leadership skills. People admire decision-makers and explore them as leaders. Alpha males do not get afraid to lead. This alpha male trait will make you the strongest one.
12. Have some sense of humor

If you can laugh, laugh at yourself first, and then no one can lampoon you. Alpha males are capable of overcoming their shortcomings, their failures before others, making light of their mistakes, and then move on to the next step.
This all happens when you let it go, you don’t take it too seriously in life. You must have to understand that a misstep cannot ruin your efforts and you start seeing from a broader perspective. It is very important to think, improve, and then forget the past with a new you.
13. Be Bold
Being bold doesn’t mean insulting someone with heavy words. But it is like being bold while making decisions while bringing up a change in society while trying something new, and while protecting your family and friends.
True alpha males are not the coward ones when it comes to start something new or bringing up the change in society. The bravest are with clearest visions and don’t get afraid of the consequences they will face for raising the voices and going out of the box. Take a little pain, have a deeper understanding of your capabilities and you will achieve what you want from life.
14. Don’t Give Explanations
You have complete ownership of your life. You don’t need to give explanations on why you are taking these steps in life. These are yours and only your decisions, so why disclosing them to everyone? Your failures and weaknesses are also your victories and strengths.
Real alphas don’t explain every detail to the people around them. You can just end up the big discussion by a cute smile and kind gesture. This is one of the best alpha male traits you can follow.
15. Focus On Your Physical Health

People used to think that alpha male means macho men with heavy muscular body. It is not true, a real alpha male is very conscious about his physical and mental health and fitness. A healthy mind and body can face challenges and overcome unfavorable situations in life.
You can also adopt healthy habits including clean eating, yoga, meditation, strength training and exercise for a healthy body and mind. How we feel and act comes from within and without a healthy, strong body we cannot have a healthy, strong mind. You have to value yourself, prioritize your health. In short keep yourself at the top of the list because, without your health, nothing matters.
16. Acknowledge Your Weakness
If you are not able to recognize your weaknesses then you are telling lie to yourself. These weaknesses will lead you towards failure until and unless improved and addressed. No one on this earth is perfect. Even the big names of the world with a strong media image face failures in life and have several weaknesses in them.
A real alpha man doesn’t deny his weaknesses or don’t get depressed over it. Instead, he realizes it and moves to fix the issues. You must have to acknowledge your weaknesses and strengths so that you can be the best version of yourself. This alpha male trait will show you your own image of where you stand.
17. Be a leader
This is one of the most defining traits of the true alpha hero. If you want to show off your leadership qualities than lead people or especially women through the entire interaction. Don’t wait for her to ask you for leading her on the right path. Be the reason for her choice through your gestures and real leadership skills.
You can take a lot of advantages by possessing this quality in your personality. People will miss your presence and advice in your absence and that’s what the quality a man must possess.
18. Have some self-respect
The personality of alpha male revolves around this factor of self-respect. But sadly in today’s world, we have mixed this phenomenon with the so-called ego. This is the time where the issue along with the aforementioned advice columns into play.
We all have the muscular jerk, macho type image of a man in our mind. But in reality, the thing that matters is the strong self-esteem quality with a humble attitude. Whatever your profession is, if you respect yourself and others, you value your time and others too than eventually, you will put forth the quality work.
19. Be kind and humble

Real alphas are kind to others. They are polite, considerate and courteous. They value themselves and then others too. You can also bring a big change in life by adopting these alpha male traits of the true alpha males. Your inner goodness will eventually reflect and people will recognize the beautiful person inside out.
When it comes to treating women, this quality ranks at the top because a woman is naturally fragile and sensitive. A kind gesture can make your place in their heart forever.
20. Trust yourselves
Alpha males take full control of their lives; they have to inculcate high degrees of trust in themselves. You must seek out expert advice, but at the same time, you must have the humility to know when you need to ask for help. Important decisions in life must be taken by you only.
No matter if you get success or failure, have trust in your efforts and struggle. Take your advice, Talk to yourself in your me-time and then move on in life with your suggestions. This will make you an independent and true alpha male in the future.
Take away
Being an alpha male or beta male has nothing to do with how you compare you with yourself. It is all about how you were and how you have improved to be the best version of yourself.
But as we are flowing along with the social media sensational topic alpha male, I have tried my best to remove all the misconceptions from your mind about the arrogant, dominant, muscular jerk and aggressive alpha male. Men are also one of the best creation of God. But sometimes they take themselves wrong and sometimes the world forces them to think negatively about themselves. A true alpha male possesses these qualities which are the best alpha male traits:
- Independent
- Courageous
- Best learner
- Confident
- Assertive
- Trustworthy
- Humble
- A true leader
- Bold
- Strong
- Healthy
These traits can lead you to be a successful alpha man that men respect and a woman lust for.
Here is the quick recap of Top 20 Alpha Male Traits that can Change Your Life:
- Do It Yourself
- Be Courageous
- Always Let The Doors Open For Learning
- Don’t Hesitate
- Don’t disclose everything
- Be Confident
- Don’t Try To Be Dominant
- Never Show Your Weaknesses
- Control Your Emotions
- Believe that Life Has A Purpose
- Don’t Afraid Of Making Decisions
- Have some sense of humor
- Be Bold
- Don’t Give Explanations
- Focus On Your Physical Health
- Acknowledge Your Weakness
- Be a leader
- Have some self-respect
- Be kind and humble
- Trust yourselves
Hey there Abdul, I really like most of the things you put down on your top 20 list on how to be a “Alpha Male”. But on the other hand there were some points that I disagree with that can actually be detrimental to your health. For instance on #8 it states “Never Show your weakness’s” I feel like not opening up to anyone ever about your emotions/weaknesses can be very unhealthy. bottling hard emotions will just lead to turbulence. opening up is a very healthy coping skill to deal with stress. #1 “being a leader” i think it’s a good thing to try and be the leader, but also taking a step back and letting someone else be the leader can be a very big educational thing for you because let’s face it there are people in the world who know MORE then you. letting someone else lead is a sign of intelligence because you are acknowledging that you have more to learn. besides those 2 things i think i can agree to a point with most of the things you wrote on your top 20 list. Thank you for reading.
That’s great. Somehow I’m agreed with your point of view.
Love it!
I’m a happy non feminist lass and I think Alpha guys rock! Strong men with their act together are needed and super important in all facets of life! I thank God for you guys!
That’s great.
Very nice article. Thank you
Thanks for the appreciation.