From a very young age, our parents teach us how to be the best version of yourself. We as a child also try our best and keep practicing good habits, but as the time passes and we get mature enough to face the challenges, tackle different situations and lead a practical life, we have to work harder to build a calm, responsible and confident personality.
What are the best ways to be a better person, what is the simple and effortless approach? And what are the most essential sides of the personality to work on? Here are some of the best ways to become the best possible version of yourself.
1. Accept the responsibility
The key element in becoming a better person is finding out the mistakes and learn to accept them as your responsibility. We often blame others and point our fingers for everything bad happens to us. We should not blame others for your actions, emotions, behaviors, and failures in life. Making excuses is not fruitful; instead, you should learn from your mistakes, be a happier and healthier person, and enjoy the successful life ahead.
2. Let go of Anger

Anger and aggression eat away happiness and makes a person lonely and depressed. The first step is to recognize that this dreadful thing has captured your mind and soul. As soon as you will recognize and realize that you are angry, you can make simple efforts to make you calm and cool.
Instead of denying the fact that you are angry or lashing out at others eliminate the reasons that trigger your anger. Try to sit or drink water when you are extremely angry, this also helps in cooling the temperament. If a certain person triggers your anger, demotivated you or becomes an obstruction in your way, then try to limit their role in your life and maintain a good healthy distance from them.
3. Embrace the Journey
Remember, this journey goes on and will never stop. One cannot discover the new ocean until and unless he has the guts to lose sight of the shore. To maintain composure you have to embrace yourself and accept the fact that things will never remain the same as they used to be. Sometimes to go forward, you have to step back a little.
4. Take care of Yourself
We often think that self-care is not anything very important. But as Eleanor brown said that “remember to take care of yourself, you can’t pour from an empty vessel”. Eating a balanced diet, getting enough nutrition and an hour of sweat and exercise will help you get ready to face everyday challenges.
Try to look for quick 40 to 60-minute pockets of time in 24 hours where you can have a fresh bowl of salad or you can step outside for a walk.
5. Understand Yourself
The journey to be a better person could be smooth and easy when you will understand who you are. There are many emotions and questions you ask yourself every day that what makes you happy? What makes you sad? What makes you demotivated? And, what stimulates you and brightens up your day? To answer these questions, you must have to look deeper inside yourself to decide how you have to react when life goes astray.
After recognizing your weaknesses and strengths, you can make a conscious effort to improve yourself and better communicate with others.
6. Accept your mistakes and learn to apologize
No one is perfect in this world, we are all human, we have imperfections and we can make mistakes. But to realize your mistakes and flaws and accepting them is very important to lead a successful life. When we try to improve ourselves, we show compassion and humbleness for the ones we have hurt.
When we apologize, we reconnect with people and can easily move forward in life. This is the best way to show empathy and be a better person.
7. Be a Good Listener

Listening to others and accepting their opinion with an open mind is one of the best gifts you can give to others. It helps in creating stronger bonds and closer connections.
You should try to be an active listener for the betterment of your close relations.
8. Respect and Appreciate Others
Respect and appreciate others is one of the golden rules of life. Listening to others, treat everyone with compassion, empathy and kindness are those essentials of respect that make you different from others. If you treat people with dignity, you can expect to be treated the same in return.
9. Be Positive
Positivity is the thumb rule for being a better person inside out. To practice positivity, you should have to pay less attention to negative thoughts and negative people in life. Practice the simple act of smiling and try to move your mind and body into a more positive perspective.
10. Be a goal-oriented Person
Setting goals can give you better results. Something really good happens inside us when we indulge our self in trying, stumbling and pursuing hard enough to chase our goals. Try to set some long term and short term goals and try your level best to achieve them is the best thing you can do to yourself.
11. Practice Gratitude
Inculcating gratitude in your personality can help you ward off depression, anxiety and can make yourself socially interactive. You should practice gratitude in your daily life to become a better person inside and out.
12. Practice Kindness
You can lift your mood when you practice small and random acts of kindness. First, you have to be kind to yourself then you can show sympathy to others. A simple compliment, a beautiful thank you card or sharing your favorite food with someone can do wonders.
Here’s a quick recap of 12 Ways to Be A Better Person to Others:
- Accept the responsibility
- Let go of Anger
- Embrace the Journey
- Take care of Yourself
- Understand Yourself
- Accept your mistakes and learn to apologize
- Be a Good Listener
- Respect and Appreciate Others
- Be Positive
- Be a goal-oriented Person
- Practice Gratitude
- Practice Kindness
Bottom Line
There are many ways to be a better person and these are only a few of them. But these simple rules and ways can bring so much joy and happiness to you, and even it can bring the people closest to you. So try your level best to build them in your daily life.